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velvetee的日记, 2019年10月20日

Girl days suck so the scale goes up, it's OK, I don't stress out. Eggs and avocado are still my favourite, I was too lazy to go out to get bacon. So the same stuff all the weekend. Love cottage cheese too. And tea! I am allergic to a lot of things so these days haven't been easy. Aquagenic urticaria is hard to handle. I've been peeling so much. I also start my day with sneezing like 20-30 times. Sucks to be me. Also, I love Nicole Lyons. Her words I mean. I'll say something not politically correct, her image does not fit her words. Screw me.
53.7 公斤 最近减少: 2.8 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 低.
一星期增加0.3 公斤

34支持者    支持   

Beautiful 💚💛💜 
2019年10月20日 会员:: shirfleur 1
Hope you feel better soon. I am going to look up what condition you have. I have never heard of it. Good food and beautiful quote. 😊 
2019年10月20日 会员:: Becc@
Your food looks good! 
2019年10月20日 会员:: peeperjj
Love the pepper ring with avocado inside. You’re so creative. Your food is always so pretty and well put!! I’ll have to look up your condition as well. My feet peeled as a child constantly. Probably no where near what you mentioned. Is it yearly? Seasonal? 
2019年10月20日 会员:: wifey9707
Reading now!! 50 cases known worldwide!!! Serious allergy to water, in a nutshell? That’s rough vel!! I feel bad for you. 
2019年10月20日 会员:: wifey9707
2019年10月20日 会员:: eat_little
Thank you 🙏 guys. It’s not easy. Wifey, I’ve got a mild form, luckily. It’s sill very hard to handle, very sensitive skin. 
2019年10月21日 会员:: velvetee
Yes dill shitter 😆 well we girls have to deal with unglamorous things, including red days. 
2019年10月21日 会员:: velvetee





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