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moopie321的日记, 2019年10月24日

Blueberry kombucha 🐸 ☕️ cheers❣️ I don’t know how but the alcohol content is increasing #boochbuzzed 🥴 #boochbunch

查看饮食日历, 2019年10月24日:
1384 千卡 运动: Fitbit - 24 小时. 更多的......

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That was my biggest struggle to find the right number of calories to lose. High enough to get through classes and workouts, but low enough to keep losing.  
2019年10月25日 会员:: moopie321
They have GTS on sale (2.39) at a natural grocer, love ginger. I will be at in the morning and will pick up a few and see if they have the scoby--I know they sometimes have it. I tried one today tart cherry Kevita. It was actually pretty good especially on ice as I am not a big fan of sweet drinks. Would definitely be more budget friendly to make it.  
2019年10月25日 会员:: wholefoodnut
Bella, home brewed, or in our case on the road brewed, is so good and worth a try. I do encourage you to try it. 👍 
2019年10月25日 会员:: Becc@
Wholefoodnut, that is a great deal. Normally $3-4 here. 
2019年10月25日 会员:: moopie321
Glad you’re finding it palatable, wholefoodnut❣️ 
2019年10月25日 会员:: moopie321
Becc- I may. Which is an improvement from Monday when I questioned even being able to drink it period. 
2019年10月25日 会员:: FullaBella
Bella, I was like you. People would tell me about it and encourage me to try it, but I wasn't interested. Then I met Kristen and she gifted us two of her scobies. We brewed our batch of kombucha while vacationing and I was hooked! It's very rewarding making your own. 😀 
2019年10月25日 会员:: Becc@
Part of my hesitation was experience; I'd bought 'some brand' a few years ago and had to hold my nose to pour it down the sink. I've been surprised with these. A couple of the brands earlier this week were a little too vinegary for me But these gingers are doing well. I may baby step making my own. Start with buying a scoby before trying to ferment one. I'm still reading. 
2019年10月25日 会员:: FullaBella
And the other thing is other than coffee I don't normally drink calories (because I have to have cream... and I have to have the coffee to do the things ...) but these are minimal enough that if the benefits start to manifest I'll accommodate the calories. 
2019年10月25日 会员:: FullaBella
💕 Becca💕 I’m glad it’s working well for you Bella. I’m smiling because it created a domino effect. The people you associate with is important. When your friends are making positive changes, that becomes contagious. Keep spreading that kombucha love❣️ 🐸 ☕️ ❤️  
2019年10月28日 会员:: moopie321
Just made some today using piloncillo and cinnamon sticks. 😊 
2019年10月28日 会员:: Becc@
😋😋😋 yum❣️ 
2019年10月28日 会员:: moopie321





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