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ObeseToBeast123的日记, 2023年11月24日

Theres nothing better than going back to your old journal entries and seeing where you used to be and where you are now !! I remember posting these pics a while back being so excited to hit a 1 rep max on deadlift 345 and squat 275 fastforward to today and I hit that same 345 lbs deadlift for 10 reps and that same 275lb squat for 5 reps!! Never forget how far you have come and post /celebrate those victories you make even if its just for yourself to look back on months later.

查看饮食日历, 2023年11月24日:
2104 千卡 脂肪: 63.78克 | 蛋白质: 155.99克 | 碳水物: 234.03克.   早餐: Great Value Egg, L'oven Fresh Split Top Wheat Bread. 午餐: Pure Protein Chocolate Deluxe High Protein Bar (Small), Quaker Rice Cakes - Apple Cinnamon, Apples . 晚餐: Bread Stuffing, Mashed Potato, Turkey Breast Meat (Fryer-Roasters, Cooked, Roasted) . 更多的......
2986 千卡 运动: Garmin - 24 小时. 更多的......

41支持者    支持   

2023年11月24日 会员:: Draglist
Great advice! It really is important to celebrate your past victories. You have worked hard at this. Earned everything you have accomplished.  
2023年11月25日 会员:: -MorticiaAddams
I will never forget and I don't plan on going back that way.  
2023年11月25日 会员:: buenitabishop
Good job, man! Progress!  
2023年11月25日 会员:: chrisw77
Mini-victories are great, and sure reinforce the positive aspects of focusing & working out. 
2023年11月25日 会员:: Bionici
2023年11月25日 会员:: Bliss2Jessie
Agree! One way for me ---> forward! Congrats on keeping motivated! 
2023年11月25日 会员:: losingtowin1
Draglist thanks  
2023年11月25日 会员:: ObeseToBeast123
MorticiaAddams sometimes we think or progress isn't good enough I find those to be the best time to look back at where we used to be  
2023年11月25日 会员:: ObeseToBeast123
buenitabishop that's awesome! I've always admired your consistent slow and steady approach 
2023年11月25日 会员:: ObeseToBeast123
chrisw77 thanks! I'm in a really good groove right now learned from past mistakes and just feel great. This bulk has been a huge success I'm Lifting less days and making more progress funny how that works lol. I'm doing an upper lower split twice a week and have 3 days of recovery a week. I was noticing the heavy deadlifts twice a week were really taking a toll on Me so I only deadlift once a week now and I'm still adding 5 to 10 pounds every week while keeping the reps the same  
2023年11月25日 会员:: ObeseToBeast123
Congratulations, I totally agree with what you say, it is good to keep a record and celebrate the improvements, the objectives achieved :) 
2023年11月26日 会员:: Shark3000
That's one of the major misconceptions. In reality, now can sometimes be less. I was just thinking about writing about that the other day.  
2023年11月26日 会员:: chrisw77
Just remember, the goal of training is to stimulate growth, then recover. Depending on your eating, sleeping, stress levels, etc, you may need more or less recovery time than someone else. To that end, recovery is as important - if not moreso - than the lifting itself.  
2023年11月26日 会员:: chrisw77
More** can sometimes be less 
2023年11月26日 会员:: chrisw77
Awesome progress!!! 👏 🙂 
2023年11月27日 会员:: ZenusWarriorPrincess





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