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leon_tsai的日记, 2018年05月17日

16 May 2018
體重:96.6 公斤 (+0.3)
體脂:28.0 (-0.2)

Weight: 213.0 lb (+0.7)
Body fat: 28.0 (-0.2)
Water intake: 2500 ml
Breakfast: 1 lettuce salad with egg; 2 tablespoons honey mustard dressing; 1 cup coffee
Lunch: 1 chicken salad with egg; 2 tablespoons thousand island dressing
Dinner: 150 grams smoked pork; 1 cup edamame
Exercise: walk (4.0 miles/1 hour); crunches (100 reps); ab rollouts (7 x 10 reps); push-ups (2 x 40 reps)
Thought: My weight has started to fluctuate a bit, but that's okay. I know it's natural. The salad dressing might be a little too high in calories, but overall my calorie intake is within normal range. I guess that's fine.
96.6 公斤 最近减少: 23.4 公斤.    还有: 26.6 公斤.    饮食准则: 合理的.

查看饮食日历, 2018年05月17日:
1404 千卡 脂肪: 95.70克 | 蛋白质: 96.59克 | 碳水物: 39.94克.   早餐: Coffee, Kraft Thousand Island Dressing, Chicken or Turkey Salad with Egg. 午餐: Butter (Salted), Cooked Okra (Fat Added in Cooking), Cooked Green String Beans (Fat Added in Cooking), Enoki Mushrooms, Roasted Broiled or Baked Chicken Thigh. 晚餐: Cooked Broccoli (Fat Added in Cooking), Seaweed, Pulled Pork. 更多的......
3655 千卡 运动: 步行(轻快的) - 6.5公里/小时 - 1 小时, 案头工作(例如办公室的工作,坐着) - 10 小时, 健美操(重型的,例如俯卧撑) - 20 分钟, 家务 - 1 小时, 休息 - 3 小时 和 40 分钟, 睡眠 - 8 小时. 更多的......
一星期增加2.1 公斤

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2018年05月16日 会员:: MandyHolaLife
You’re doing great! Don’t worry about the fluctuations. 
2018年05月16日 会员:: momma6224
體重+⋯ 會不會是大姨媽快來了⋯ 🤣😂🤪 
2018年05月16日 会员:: gulinlin
@momma6224, thank you. I won't be worrying like I used to. I'll just calmly face the changes.  
2018年05月16日 会员:: leon_tsai
@amandakane1, thank you so so much. Good day. 😁 
2018年05月16日 会员:: leon_tsai
2018年05月16日 会员:: leon_tsai
If you want to cut some of the sugar in the dressing you can always add a bit of water to it and spoon it on from the side for more control. But you are doing really well at keeping your activity increasing. 🙋🏻 
2018年05月17日 会员:: smprowett
@smprowett, thanks for the suggestion. I've already replaced the egg salad with a simple fried egg, which is so much lower in calories and carbs. 😀 
2018年05月17日 会员:: leon_tsai
2018年05月17日 会员:: chenxxxcccc
don't stress this little gain. you are doing great. stay focus and make the best choices for U. be blessed & safe. 
2018年05月17日 会员:: marshakanady
2018年05月17日 会员:: leon_tsai
@marshakanady, thank you. I'll just move on. 😁 
2018年05月17日 会员:: leon_tsai
The honey mustard is so much better for you than the thousand island as dressings go! LOL Most of them just aren’t that healthy. If we can add more healthy fats, like an olive oil, or some good spices, or an organic cider vinegar with muther or lemon juice or some other ‘real’ juice 😆 that gives value with the taste, honey is good because it actually has many healthy benefits beyond just being sweet and mustard as well has the astringent quality. My favorite, ranch, is one of the worst, it doesn’t have as much sugar as the thousand island or catalina or french dressing, but it is seldom made with a healthy fat and most brands have many preservatives that make me physically ill. I just bought a bottle of the Walden farms ranch dressing at Walmart last night to try it. I was surprised that it is about the same price as the other brands I can eat. 🤷🏻‍♀️So we’ll see what it tastes like. 🙋🏻 
2018年05月17日 会员:: smprowett
2018年05月17日 会员:: chenxxxcccc
@smprowett, I bought the salad at the breakfast shop. They only offer two types of dressing. I'll go with honey mustard next time since you said it's healthier. Thank you and have a wonderful weekend. @chenxxxcccc,是買的哦。 
2018年05月18日 会员:: leon_tsai
Don’t get yourself so stuck on one meal that you get bored having the same thing all the time. LOL I just think honey has more healthy benefits for you for the calories than the sugar in thousand island.🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m always kind of surprised when people have salads at breakfast. 💁🏻‍♀️ But then, I like soup sometimes at breakfast, or custards, so it is all in what people get used to I guess. 🙋🏻 
2018年05月18日 会员:: smprowett





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