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hobodon (호주부)的日记, 2020年02月26日

😦 corona stress...
60.2 公斤 最近减少: 13 公斤.    还有: 0.2 公斤.    饮食准则: 合理的.

查看饮食日历, 2020年02月26日:
1236 千卡 脂肪: 23.85克 | 蛋白质: 55.98克 | 碳水物: 204.88克.   早餐: 바나나, 곶감, 삶은 계란흰자, 사과, 혼합 견과류. 午餐: 조미김, 어묵탕, 김자반, 아귀, 현미밥. 晚餐: 연어 사시미, 찐고구마, 혼합 견과류, 사과. 更多的......
1904 千卡 运动: 步行(中等的) - 5公里/小时 - 30 分钟, 案头工作(例如办公室的工作,坐着) - 9 小时 和 30 分钟, 洗碗 - 10 分钟, 烹饪 - 15 分钟, 淋浴 - 20 分钟, 睡眠 - 7 小时, 休息 - 6 小时 和 15 分钟. 更多的......
一星期增加5.6 公斤

14支持者    支持   

Hi, Hobodon! do you have real problems with coronavirus? 
2020年02月25日 会员:: Olga Capanji
I am sure it is difficult to manage health and safety for a company when coronavirus cases increase each day and people get worried, even panicky. What kind of actions is your company taking? 
2020年02月26日 会员:: EvaSieteTres
We don't have a case of coronavirus infection in our country😊 
2020年02月26日 会员:: Olga Capanji
Korean government performs a very large number of test everyday, so we see a large number of confirmed cases, too. And the cult church and the related hospital had many cases, which consist of 7-80% of total confirmed cases. Real risk is, since there are so many confirmed cases, the number of contacts/suspected cases increase exponentially needing self-quarantine and shutdown of the location/facilities. Korean government execute several thousands tests per day, and they try to isolate all people whoever had contact or shut down the location/facilities.  
2020年02月26日 会员:: hobodon (호주부)
No case is the best! Good for you. 😊🙏 
2020年02月26日 会员:: hobodon (호주부)
Thank you, Hobodon! How do you think coronavirus is more dangerous than ordinary flu? Do you have letal cases in SK? 
2020年02月26日 会员:: Olga Capanji




hobodon (호주부)的体重历史

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