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Anne_145的日记, 2021年09月11日

Weight holding steady and I am not paying too much attention to diet so that's a good thing. My lower back is still a bit stiff so I have tweaked the gym to do just the machines and no free weights. Lots of stretching. Quite enjoying that routine. Swimming is good. Going to the quieter session so can go at my own pace. Steady and smooth, doing good times.
Generally speaking, I am feeling quite stiff in the mornings until I get going. I wonder if it's an age thing, if I am overdoing it or if it's because my back is sore. Probably a combination of all three!
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my physiotherapist recommended pilates for back pain. (I've suffered with back pain since I was 12 🙄) or yoga 🧘‍♀️ not sure if you already tried them?  
2021年09月11日 会员:: DaniR1234567890
Hi Dan1, I fell very heavily in my late 20s and this has left residual damage that causes a disc to bulge very occasionally. I do stretches that incorporate yoga and pilates regularly. Without them, I think my back would 'go' more often so, yes I agree with your physio! 
2021年09月11日 会员:: Anne_145
Oh bless you Anne. That sound awful glad you can manage it a bit with stretches. 🤗  
2021年09月11日 会员:: DaniR1234567890
Thanks Dani, it doesn’t bother me often but sometimes you just move the wrong way and it nails you!  
2021年09月11日 会员:: Anne_145
I hope you are controlling your back issue too! 
2021年09月11日 会员:: Anne_145
Oh yes I feel you there, once when I was pregnant with my eldest I was kneeling down pulling wall paper off a wall and my back went, I couldn't move for days, couldn't even stand up off the toilet, couldn't even walk to the toilet I had to crawl, then I had to ring my partner to come and help get up and pull my knickers and trousers up. 😭😱 
2021年09月11日 会员:: DaniR1234567890
Tbh I pilates didnt actually help me. But I've found just general working out has helped heaps I still have days where its sore but not having to take painkillers much for it now. A few months ago before I started working out I was having to drug up daily.  
2021年09月11日 会员:: DaniR1234567890
Oh yes, that leaning forward and pulling upwards would throw a lot of load onto the lower back. Very painful! I think keeping core and the hip area strong is very helpful. I also do superman, dead bugs, cat cows etc for back stability.  
2021年09月11日 会员:: Anne_145
That’s a bummer. Glad you are managing it. Hope it goes away for you soon. I choose not to believe it’s age 😂💕 I like those stretches/exercises too & often do them in my warm up rounds x 
2021年09月11日 会员:: piggy winkle
Anne I am sorry that you not 100% please look after yourself 
2021年09月11日 会员:: Chestnut63
Do you use any supports with your back? I’m sure you’ve got the technique down when you do use weights, it could just be a blip. Maybe a nice sports massage would help 
2021年09月11日 会员:: Nutricali
Yeah, Piggy, keep doing them! You won't regret it. I think being tall can throw load onto the lower back, long levers, etc so you must be careful. I am 5ft 9 and have a long back so certain moves don't work for me well. But I love the above moves! 
2021年09月11日 会员:: Anne_145
Hi, Chesty. I am fine really. Not to worry! I hope you are progressing with your admin etc and that Mum is settled. 
2021年09月11日 会员:: Anne_145
Hi Nutri. I try to use my 'internal support' (core muscles) as my girdle! Eekk, oh no, not a sports massage! A sauna would be good if any were open!! 
2021年09月11日 会员:: Anne_145
Thank you Anne Mum is very stressed about what is happening unfortunately the powers to be doesn't seem to take peoples mental health when making their decisions 🙃 
2021年09月11日 会员:: Chestnut63
hi Anne I have seen your reply to Nutricali I have started to use my home Sauna again it would be better if I could use a proper Sauna 
2021年09月11日 会员:: Chestnut63
I have ordered my sauna Chesty, but I will believe it when I see it. I keep getting Covid excuses. I paid the deposit and it is due end of October (16 week lead time) 
2021年09月11日 会员:: Anne_145
Good on you young lady 
2021年09月11日 会员:: Chestnut63
Chesty, I feel for you and your Mum. Try to keep moving forward. 
2021年09月11日 会员:: Anne_145
2021年09月11日 会员:: akin bilgic





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