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leon_tsai的日记, 2018年04月1日

1 April 2018
體重:104.2 公斤 (+0.2)
體脂:31.1 (-0.2)

Weight: 229.7 lb (+0.4)
Body fat: 31.1 (-0.2)
Breakfast: 3 slices of bacon; 1 baked egg; 1 tbsp. mustard dressing; 1 cup of coffee
Lunch: 1 baked chicken thigh; 1 serving of spinach
Dinner: 1 large tomato; 2 tbsp. butter
Exercise: walk (3.7 miles/1 hour); push-ups (6x5/10 minutes; 6x5/10 minutes); abs roller (8x5/10 minutes; 8x5/10 minutes); sit-ups (25x2/3 minutes; 25x2/3 minutes)
Feeling: busy preparing for the driving test and a sense of achievement 'cos I walked 10,000 steps every day this week!
104.2 公斤 最近减少: 15.8 公斤.    还有: 34.2 公斤.    饮食准则: 合理的.

查看饮食日历, 2018年04月1日:
712 千卡 脂肪: 56.34克 | 蛋白质: 35.57克 | 碳水物: 19.39克.   早餐: Coffee (Brewed From Grounds), Honey Mustard Dressing, Baked Egg, Bacon. 午餐: Cooked Spinach (from Fresh, Fat Added in Cooking), Roasted Broiled or Baked Chicken Thigh. 晚餐: Butter, Tomatoes. 更多的......
3373 千卡 运动: 步行(锻炼型) - 5.5公里/小时 - 1 小时, 健美操(重型的,例如俯卧撑) - 20 分钟, 案头工作(例如办公室的工作,坐着) - 5 小时, 休息 - 9 小时 和 40 分钟, 睡眠 - 8 小时. 更多的......
一星期增加1.4 公斤

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Very impressing 👍👍👍 
2018年04月2日 会员:: Viviace
2018年04月2日 会员:: gulinlin
Nice routine.  
2018年04月2日 会员:: JackieSpahr
Great job! 🙋🏻 
2018年04月2日 会员:: smprowett
@Viviace, thanks. I like your profile picture. @gugulin,謝謝。😉 @amandakane1, thanks. Haven't seen you for long. Nice to have you out here. @JackieSpahr, thank you. @smprpwett, I'll keep it up.  
2018年04月2日 会员:: leon_tsai
WoW. U are my hero! 
2018年04月2日 会员:: marshakanady
我一天有2-3千就很厲害了😂 每天一萬步真的超強👍 
2018年04月2日 会员:: zxc_ad2
Nice job!! 
2018年04月2日 会员:: momma6224
Thanks, everyone. I enjoy walking around and discover things I haven't noticed before.  
2018年04月3日 会员:: leon_tsai
I enjoy my walks around my city too. I take pictures of alk the artwork and comment on it on FB! LOL Some of it is REALLY ugly! 🤷🏻‍♀️ 
2018年04月3日 会员:: smprowett
OK "Ricky Bobby" how U doing on your driving? U ready for the test? When I moved to The Bahamas I was lost. Driving on the left hand side of the road, driving a right seated driven car and all those damn roundabouts...I was lost...LoL...wishing U much success on your test! 
2018年04月3日 会员:: marshakanady
@smprowett, you mean the pictures, some parts of the city, or both? Though my hometown is especially known for its hideous old residential buildings, I still take delight in seeing how these dated houses fuse with their modern surroundings. They are so conflicting yet so harmoniously coexist.  
2018年04月4日 会员:: leon_tsai
@marshakanady, I didn't pass the driving test lol because I forgot to turn on the left signal when hitting the road... I'll have a retry on 8 May 2018. @amandakane1, thanks so much! Always good to see you.  
2018年04月4日 会员:: leon_tsai
LoL. that's ok. When I was 14 yrs I took my test the 1st time and ran the stop sign and was failed when in the 1st 30 seconds of the test. LoL. U live and learn. at least we didnt hit anybody. LoL. 
2018年04月4日 会员:: marshakanady
Wow, you walk fast! Good job on all the walking and good luck on your driver's test! 
2018年04月4日 会员:: ny_shelly
Thanks. Actually, I wasn't particularly upset and even had a feeling that I would surely pass the next time. Really dunno why I was so confident about that. Anyway, as you two seem to remain cheerful and optimistic most of the time, I guess it's time to learn from you and stay positive.  
2018年04月4日 会员:: leon_tsai
@ny_shelly, thanks a lot. I'm so happy to see you back on track again. I was pretty amazed when I found you losing weight exceedingly fast in the first couple of weeks I joined FS. Great work! 
2018年04月4日 会员:: leon_tsai
I mean the artwork! Some of it is truly ugly but makes great conversation starters! I kid you not that there is one piece in front of the IRS/Federal Building that looks like a giant, square, concrete dildo on its side. It was broken when it was installed and the patch makes it even worse. 🤷🏻‍♀️Add it to the placement in front of the Federal Building? LOL 🤦🏻‍♀️Lots of stuff like that. Some cool and surprising, some nice, some really ugly. So it’s always fun to notice, along with the architecture. 
2018年04月6日 会员:: smprowett
I mean we used to have a giant "dildo" in front of our high school. Every time I walked past it I couldn't help but think who designed this pillar, what's his intention. 😀 Anyway, at least they give us something to talk about. ☺️ 
2018年04月6日 会员:: leon_tsai
Exactly! You have to wonder? 🤦🏻‍♀️Are these people REALly trying for the phallic symbol ir was that just a giant Freudian mistake of their subconscious? Or ours? LOL🤷🏻‍♀️ 
2018年04月7日 会员:: smprowett





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