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ObeseToBeast123的日记, 2022年08月27日

68.8 公斤 最近减少: 22.0 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 合理的.

查看饮食日历, 2022年08月27日:
2196 千卡 脂肪: 60.85克 | 蛋白质: 182.20克 | 碳水物: 310.22克.   早餐: Marketside Fresh Spinach, Joseph's Flax, Oat Bran & Whole Wheat Flour Pita Bread, Frank's Red Hot Sauce, Blueberries , Fiber One Original Bran Cereal, Mushrooms, Egg. 午餐: Cucumber (with Peel) , Peach, Kroger Baby Carrots, Butterball Turkey Burger Patties, Roasted Broiled or Baked Chicken (Skin Not Eaten). 晚餐: Bananas , Cooked Broccoli (Fat Not Added in Cooking), Blueberries, Roasted Broiled or Baked Chicken (Skin Not Eaten), Fiber One Original Bran Cereal. 小食/其他: Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla Milk, Great Value Chocolate Sugar Free Instant Pudding, Cucumber (with Peel) , Gala Apples, Myprotein Impact Whey Isolate - Salted Caramel. 更多的......

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Sounds very demanding.  
2022年08月27日 会员:: -MorticiaAddams
It is pretty lame mortica but I asked for it when I took the shifts. I know I made 9 people very happy the other day when I took their weeks from them but im not going to lie I'm already feeling pretty beat... laying on the couch summoning some will power to work out right now.  
2022年08月27日 会员:: ObeseToBeast123
I once worked in the field for 7 years with a utility company, similar to your situation. Keeping the Igloo stocked was key. I ate a big green salad and tons of water every lunch, just black coffee for breakfast, and no snacks during breaks. One gym rat I worked with would dump a can of tuna fish into a bag of salad mix and just eat out of it like that. The healthy eaters and body builders brought food from home; the guys with the big guts always hit the drive thrus. If it helps, try taping a piece of paper on your dashboard that reads: "I HATE BEING FAT. I DO NOT WANT TO BE FAT AGAIN." And just keep the cooler full of grapes and baby carrots. 🫐🍒🍑🍐🍎🍌🍇🥕 
2022年08月27日 会员:: JustBananas
JustBananas have you been spying on me eating in my vehicle for the past 8 months lol I have eaten a bag of salad usually a gallon size ziploc that I fully fill with a spinch spring mix , cucumbers, tomatoes, and baby carrots and then I have a separate zip lock with 6 oz of meat usually grilled chicken breast. Sometimes I just go right from the bag of spinach if I don't prep well enough. Today I sat there with steak knife slicing and eating chunks of cucumbers I can only imagine what any one looking in must have been thinking. Today's cooler had a giant bag of spinach 2 apples , 2 peaches , a turkey burger patty baby carrots, cucumbers and grilled chicken breast. This month has been a complete wash I gained and lost the same 2 pounds twice I'm not letting myself get derailed again this month and I'm deffintly not getting fat again that's just not in the cards worked way too hard and developed some really good habits  
2022年08月27日 会员:: ObeseToBeast123
A girlfriend of mine would say the "I HATE BEING FAT" mantra anytime she felt the urge to hit a drive thru. Figured it might work on the dashboard, too. (Come to think of it, the fridge and pantry would good places for that sign.) Sounds like you've got the Whole Foods habits down pat. Hopefully we won't be seeing any fast food pics from you this time around. Eating straight out of the salad bag must be a guy thing. 😄 
2022年08月27日 会员:: JustBananas
I think I'm in a better headspace this time around don't expect it to end in failure again!!  
2022年08月27日 会员:: ObeseToBeast123
And as far as the salad out of the bag I am the absolute worst about returning Tupperware back to the house haha the wife isn't a fan  
2022年08月27日 会员:: ObeseToBeast123
You can do it... 
2022年08月27日 会员:: HCB
Wow!!! your determination is amazing!!!! 
2022年08月27日 会员:: buenitabishop
What kind of work do you do that requires you to take the same killer call schedules as we medical people do. it’s tough sometimes. I’m retired.I miss my job because I loved it but some of those 16/24/32 hour actual working call shifts were killer. 
2022年08月27日 会员:: Kenna Morton
No maybe here! You're doing incredible. So Proud of you for planning and following thru, in spite of the stress factor.  
2022年08月28日 会员:: SLYONE 22
so glad you have come to fat secret to offer good input about yourself to all 
2022年08月28日 会员:: sugarplum_
Hcb and buenitabishop thanks for the support 👍  
2022年08月28日 会员:: ObeseToBeast123
Hcb and buenitabishop thanks for the support 👍  
2022年08月28日 会员:: ObeseToBeast123
Kenna Morton I'm a technician for a utility company. These are 24 hour on call shifts for 7 day periods. We all get 2 weeks assigned to us a year but there are usually only 4 people that end up taking all the shifts from everyone else because Noone wants to do them. I just scooped up 9 more shifts over the next 18 weeks from people that didn't want them so I'm the cause of my own demise on this one but I need the cash 😒 
2022年08月28日 会员:: ObeseToBeast123
SLYONE 22 thanks I'm off to a much better start than last month. I deffintly learned alot of what I can't do if i want to stay on track during my last go around. 
2022年08月28日 会员:: ObeseToBeast123
sugarplum_ thanks if you can suffer through my run on sentences maybe occasionally something good might come out of it hahah 😜  
2022年08月28日 会员:: ObeseToBeast123
Otb123— oh yes, I bet winters can be especially tough for you guys. The money was great but most of us had to make quick week/week sweeps of like half of our paychecks into our 401s because otherwise we would take nothing home because of taxes. Now that I’m retired it has turned out to be a real blessing but sucked at the time. 
2022年08月28日 会员:: Kenna Morton
Kenna Morton I've been doing this kind of work for 13 years now so I don't mind the winters any more than the summers they both have their negatives and positives. The only time I allow myself to get upset about the weather is freezing rain because that is just absolutely miserable to work in. Good call with the 401k contribution changes. I'm pretty steady with my contributions I've been at 15% for my part and 4% from the company for many years now.  
2022年08月28日 会员:: ObeseToBeast123





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