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Shrewdness的日记, 2021年12月1日

My hubby got a Covid test and he is negative, but never negative in attitude!👍😁
He is still sick and having stomach issues now, Just as he had an exam in his stomach ....
kinda of quizzy🙃
So now today I need to get a report done at work, but I can’t go to work with my hair standing on end!!
Great fog banks keep rolling through drenching my hair into a frizzy mess!😕 I feed the birds, but I don’t want a bird’s nest in my hair!😀 My hair is like that flying insect that has curly hair…
the frizzbee😆
The Englishman at work will have a blast picking on me! Just have to take time fixing it this morning.😑
Thank you for all the well wishes for Al, it’s the plain old flu, no fever anymore just stomach issues.
We are very old and never taken flu shots, but I think his immune system is compromised since Covid, for we have NEVER gotten the flu.
Have a Wonderful Wednesday and thank you again for the prayers and well wishes for my hubby!🌺❤️
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Glad he is negative for Covid. Hope he gets thru the flu or whatever is making him feel bad & back to normal soon! You need to be careful, take plenty of Vitamin C, wash your hands, etc so you stay well, too! 
2021年12月1日 会员:: SherryeB
Oh Sherrye, I preach over and over about washing hands, but I forgot to give him extra C, thanks!👍🌺 Plus, getting him to drink water is a real struggle!😔 
2021年12月1日 会员:: Shrewdness
Prayers for Mr Shrewdness 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼 
2021年12月1日 会员:: Gib_GJ
It's good to hear that he tested negative. I hope he feels better soon!!! 
2021年12月1日 会员:: John10251
That is such good news - I am so glad that your husband does not have Covid - wow - I did not want to say anything just in case. Well - everything sounds ... sort of good --- again ... and on we go....... all towards that indeterminable goal at the top of the rainbow - where ever that is.  
2021年12月1日 会员:: Jergens123
Glad he is on the mend. Stay well out there. Tell the Englishman at work to bugger off! 
2021年12月1日 会员:: jeannieselby
Thank you so much Gib, 💕prayers mean a lot to me for they work, he’s already feeling better. 😁Yahoo! 
2021年12月1日 会员:: Shrewdness
John, when I got home today he was smiling, thank goodness!😊 He scared me for he is always smiling, so I knew he was ill. Plus, he’s never sick, so it spooked me. Thank you!👍 
2021年12月1日 会员:: Shrewdness
Thanks Jergens, I was so proud of him to go get tested when he was feeling like crap! You never know with this new variant out there.🙃 Not sure if I could ever get to the top of the rainbow, I am scared of heights and prisms.😆🌸 
2021年12月1日 会员:: Shrewdness
Oh Jeannie, the Englishman picks on me like a bully at school, but I have so much fun fighting back. I’d miss him if he left - we try to outwit each other, he usually wins.😕 His wife is Cuban and my hubby is Cuban so it’s fun. Thank you for caring, life is too short to not laugh at yourself. 👍😁 Hubby is doing a lot better! Yay!😃 
2021年12月1日 会员:: Shrewdness
Here's to a speedy recovery and a healthy December! 🎄 
2021年12月2日 会员:: shirfleur 1
Be strong for his quick recovery ! 👍 
2021年12月2日 会员:: MattRide
I'm late to this post. Stomach problems with the flu, not an easy time. I'm sure you're taking care of Al and I hope he's back to good health soon. Clear liquids might help, especially homemade ginger root tea. Hope today was a better hair day. Fog, what is this foreign mist you speak about? I may have lived in New Mexico too long now to remember. 🤔 
2021年12月2日 会员:: _bec_ca
Late to this post. December is pure madness with the business. But here I am, heading to more madness but must pause and say I’ll be praying for your man and hope he is 💯 very soon…and yes even years old! 😂😂 My hubby’s great grandmother is 106! It’s doable for some!! 😊 
2021年12月2日 会员:: wifey9707
Glad he your hubby is on the mend and hope you will stay well, Shrew! The frisbee line made me laugh! I have a crazy mop of curls I'm struggling to control right now too. Sounds like some fun banter with your englishman friend though. Have a great day!!! 😊💕 
2021年12月2日 会员:: Nikina70
Thank you Shirfleur! Now I feel like I am coming down with something.😕 He breathed all over me last night.🙃🌺😁 
2021年12月2日 会员:: Shrewdness
I am always strong Matt, taking Cold-Eeze, to stay that way, dang that stuff helps!👍😁 
2021年12月2日 会员:: Shrewdness
Becky my aunt, who I loved so very much, lived in New Mexico and loved it soooo much!!❤️ She moved back to California and kept crying about going back to New Mexico, for where she lived was beautiful she said. I know you have your own little spot in this world, it must be wonderful, and no fog!🤣 May try that tea tonight, thanks!💕👍 
2021年12月2日 会员:: Shrewdness
Wow Wifey, 106!!👍 Thank you for your prayers he could really use them. They are the answer, yet people are blind. I think he has something else going on besides the flu, that spooks me, it may just be his diabetes, he needs to go in for a tuneup. He is a very good man, we may not be rich, but I hit the jackpot with him.😍 And you for a friend, blessings Wifey!!💕 
2021年12月2日 会员:: Shrewdness
Oh no! Sorry for the sickness!  
2021年12月2日 会员:: davidsprincess





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