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Anne_145的日记, 2023年11月2日

Just treading water here, guys.............or not, as the case may be! Swimming is still out due to elbows. But its been an interesting experience. Being forced away from my usual routine has opened up a whole new world of possibilities to me and I have begun the process of selling off another part of my business and also looking to move house. Who would have thought that all that came from sore elbows! The devil makes work for idle hands.
63.3 公斤 最近减少: 0 公斤.    还有: 0.3 公斤.    饮食准则: 合理的.

20支持者    支持   

BTW haven't been dieting or tracking. I am sure I will regret that come Christmas time.............. 
2023年11月2日 会员:: Anne_145
Sounds like interesting times, Anne. Treading water is still staying afloat - so I hope you'll be back to full strokes again soon, but it's great that you've got this fresh perspective right now. Have a lovely day! xxx 
2023年11月2日 会员:: Nikina70
wishing you a smooth ride with both the business sale and the house move. My house sale is at the quiet bit, waiting for surveys and exchanges to happen. 
2023年11月2日 会员:: Lorneylorna
Hope all goes well with the conveyancing, Lorna. I hope to get mine on early spring.  
2023年11月2日 会员:: Anne_145
Thanks, Nikina. I was ready for a change and didn't even know it 🙃😀 
2023年11月2日 会员:: Anne_145
Good luck with your house sell the most stressful thing 
2023年11月3日 会员:: Chessnut64
Thanks, Chess............yes, it can be stressful. But the challenge excites me more than stresses me.  
2023年11月3日 会员:: Anne_145
You s r You h A You have own business you can handle stress unlike me 
2023年11月3日 会员:: Chessnut64
I think exercise helps me handle stress. Chess. I do get stressed but I don't let it overwhelm me. Infact, if I am lucky, I can use it to fuel forward motion.  
2023年11月3日 会员:: Anne_145
Every day your post impress me i wish i was strong like you  
2023年11月3日 会员:: Chessnut64
Busy bee 🐝 😊 
2023年11月4日 会员:: humpTdumpty
Ps - you’ve never needed to diet the LBD is in the wardrobe screaming to be let out I’m sure 😉 
2023年11月4日 会员:: humpTdumpty





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